
 We are so grateful for the love and support that our clients and community provide. Please consider making a donation to help us continue our work.

The Holding Space Birth & Wellness Cooperative is a 501(c)(3) non-profit orgranization registered in the state of Washington. The Holding Space BWC Tax ID (EIN): 87-1193762

If you would like to donate to the equitable access fund, which provides client sponsorship for education classes and groups, click [HERE]. This ensures people may access The Holding Space’s education and support services regardless of their ability to pay.

If you would like your donation to contribute to specific supplies to help our non-profit operate and provide the best services and resources for the community, click on our wish list link [HERE]

If you are interested in volunteering for a Holding Space event, making an in-kind donation, want to help teach a class, or want to contribute in a creative way - please contact us via!

We have big plans to open a Birth Center in the community in order to offer a low-intervention, safe, out of hospital birth option for those who desire it.

If you are interested in contributing to support the dream of providing this option for our community, please contact us for more information:


Birth Center

In the works! We are thrilled to offer a future location for low-intervention, out of hospital birth.

“I do not care what kind of birth you have…a home birth, scheduled cesarean, epidural hospital birth, or if you birth alone in the woods next to a baby deer.  I care that you had options, that you were supported in your choices, and that you were respected.”

- January Harshe

 Our Donors

We would like to thank our generous donors whose support enables us to offer our services to the community. Recognition is based upon a donor’s cumulative giving. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy.

Douglas Fir ($50,000 & Above)

Western Red Cedar ($25,000-49,999)

  • Miranda Montellano

Pacific Madrone ($10,000-24,999)

  • Erin Delaney

Ocean Spray ($5,000-9,999 )

Salmonberry ($2,500-4,999)

Salal ($1,000-2,499)

Sword Fern ($500-999)

  • Rebecca Burtney

  • Katie Calhoun

  • Amanda Murdock (with Becht Engineering)

  • Courtney Orrock

  • Maribeth Ryan

  • Jennifer Sass-Walton

  • Sharon Sullivan

Kinnikinnick ($250-499)

  • Erin Ali

  • Erica Coulter

  • Josette Curtis

  • Michelle Darst

  • Kelly Fellows

  • Darene Follett

  • Kristyna Lopez

  • Kelly McKittrick (Birthday Donations)

  • Nell Ryan

  • Phyllis Shea

  • Danielle Tetrault


“A forest is a living thing like a human body…each part dependent on all the other parts.”

-Louis L’Amour

 In-Kind Donors

A deep, heartfelt thank you to the businesses and individuals who have given in-kind donations of products and services. We could not have grown without you.

Keep in Touch


The Holding Space is open based on individual business hours, classes, and support group schedules. Check our classes/groups page for more information.